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Wetlands Tree-Planting Working Bee

Event image
1:00pm Tuesday 25th April, 2023


We've got 75 trees and just as many under story shrubs to plant on Anzac Afternoon

Cnr of Strzelecki Way and Briggs Gap Rd (Parish Lane) starting at 1:00 pm!

Even if you've only got an hour to spare we'd love to see you there, bring a water bottle, and dress for the outdoors!

{ "name":"Wetlands Tree-Planting Working Bee", "description":"We've got 75 trees and just as many under story shrubs to plant on Anzac AfternoonCnr of Strzelecki Way and Briggs Gap Rd (Parish Lane) starting at 1:00 pm!Even if you've only got an hour to spare we'd love to see you there, bring a water bottle, and dress for the outdoors! ", "startDate":"2023-04-25", "endDate":"", "startTime":"13:00", "endTime":"00:00", "label":"Save to Personal Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Outlook.com" ], "timeZone":"Australia/Melbourne", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Event - Upper Murray Community Calendar" }