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Lesbian Visibility Day

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Friday 26th April, 2024
All Day


Lesbian Visibility Day is a day when we spread awareness of Lesbians and the issues they face in the workplace, families, cultures, and well-being (a Lesbian is an individual (usually a woman) who experiences attraction towards people who are non-men). 

{ "name":"Lesbian Visibility Day", "description":"Lesbian Visibility Day is a day when we spread awareness of Lesbians and the issues they face in the workplace, families, cultures, and well-being (a Lesbian is an individual (usually a woman) who experiences attraction towards people who are non-men). ", "startDate":"2024-04-26", "endDate":"", "startTime":"00:00", "endTime":"00:00", "label":"Save to Personal Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Outlook.com" ], "timeZone":"Australia/Melbourne", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Event - Upper Murray Community Calendar" }