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Omnisexual Visibility Day

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Wednesday 5th June, 2024
All Day


Omnisexual Visibility Day is where we spread awareness and recognise people who identify as Omnisexual (Omnisexual is similar to pansexuality except they recongise the genders they are attracted to instead of being gender blind like pansexuals are).

{ "name":"Omnisexual Visibility Day", "description":"Omnisexual Visibility Day is where we spread awareness and recognise people who identify as Omnisexual (Omnisexual is similar to pansexuality except they recongise the genders they are attracted to instead of being gender blind like pansexuals are).", "startDate":"2024-06-05", "endDate":"", "startTime":"00:00", "endTime":"00:00", "label":"Save to Personal Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Outlook.com" ], "timeZone":"Australia/Melbourne", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Event - Upper Murray Community Calendar" }