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Open Day at Corryong's study Hub. The Country Universities Centre. 6 Boundary Street Corryong.

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9:00am Friday 3rd May, 2024
to 3:30pm Friday 3rd May, 2024


Visit us at 6 Boundary street, Corryong.

Corryong's Country Universities Centre has been open for just over a year. We are a free study hub with everything you need to succeed in your course. People of all ages, types of study and ways of study have registered. Visit us to see how we can support you. We can help you find a course, TAFE, University or in your chosen professional institurtion.

So join us for free internet, great computers, photocopying and a supportive environment.

Let's help bring degrees closer to you in regional Australia!

Event website Bookmark
{ "name":"Open Day at Corryong's study Hub. The Country Universities Centre. 6 Boundary Street Corryong.", "description":"Visit us at 6 Boundary street, Corryong. Corryong's Country Universities Centre has been open for just over a year. We are a free study hub with everything you need to succeed in your course. People of all ages, types of study and ways of study have registered. Visit us to see how we can support you. We can help you find a course, TAFE, University or in your chosen professional institurtion.So join us for free internet, great computers, photocopying and a supportive environment.Let's help bring degrees closer to you in regional Australia!", "startDate":"2024-05-03", "endDate":"2024-05-03", "startTime":"09:00", "endTime":"15:30", "label":"Save to Personal Calendar", "options":[ "Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Outlook.com" ], "timeZone":"Australia/Melbourne", "trigger":"click", "inline":true, "listStyle":"modal", "iCalFileName":"Event - Upper Murray Community Calendar" }